Asset Protection and Estate Planning

Fortune Manning has established, and currently administers hundreds of trusts providing asset and estate planning for many clients and their families.

We have many years of experience in estate administration having acted for a number of generations of New Zealanders. We act for many beneficiaries of trusts and estates in New Zealand and often attend to the administration of assets for executors and trustees who are offshore.

If you are contemplating retirement, we have broad experience with retirement villages, residential care subsidies, reverse annuity mortgages and other elder care issues. Many New Zealanders have placed their personal assets in a Family Trust. In a number of cases more than one Trust is used with many different combinations of trustees and beneficiaries.

Experience has reinforced the fact that all asset protection and Estate plans require careful consideration and structured documentation to effectively meet the needs of the clients involved. When establishing and administering Family Trusts it is important for the lawyer, accountant and financial planner to work together to achieve the best outcome for the client. We regularly assist clients in:

  • Reviewing client needs and advising and creating trusts that best suit their needs;
  • Reviewing existing trust and asset ownership structures with the view to simplifying affairs including resettlements;
  • Independent review of complex family structures including the preparation and implementation of deeds of family arrangement.

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