Insolvency and Debt Recovery
Our team is experienced with providing fast paced, accurate advice to receivers and liquidators, in addition to advising insolvency practitioners, company directors, trustees and private clients on matters of insolvency, which include:
- Structure of business interests and the governance and composition of companies;
- Preparing terms of trade;
- Voluntary and involuntary liquidation of companies;
- Statutory demands and liquidation proceedings;
- Appointment of receivers, liquidators, interim liquidators and administrators;
- Schemes of arrangement;
- Registration, priority and enforcement of security interests;
- Recovering monies owed to companies in liquidation/receivership/administration;
- Voidable transactions;
- Personal insolvency: schemes of arrangement both formal (“No Asset Procedure”) and informal, bankruptcies and related advice.
We provide debt recovery services for all types of clients and all budgets. Our infrastructure allows us to undertake large volume debt recovery work for any individual client, catering to the client’s exact needs without losing any “personal touch”. We are also members of RITANZ.