Sue Brown
DDI: (+64 9) 915 2969
Email: sue.brown@fortunemanning.co.nz
LLB, BA, University of Canterbury 1993
Barrister and Solicitor of New Zealand 1993
Solicitor, England and Wales, 2002
New Zealand Law Society
Auckland District Law Society
Property Law Section (NZLS)
Executive Assistant
Jo McLean
DDI: (+64 9) 915 2975
Email: jo.mclean@fortunemanning.co.nz
“Sue joined the property and commercial team at Fortune Manning in March 2004, after starting her legal career with a sole practitioner in Wellington and then spending six years in legal practice in the UK as a commercial property solicitor (the majority of which was with London firm, Nabarro Nathanson). At Fortune Manning, Sue has advised clients on a wide range of property and commercial matters.”

- Sale and Purchase of Property
- Leasing
- Development
- Property Finance
- Sale and Purchase of Businesses
- Sale and Purchase of Shares
- Commercial contracts and Terms of Trade
- Finance and Securities
- Corporate structures including Shareholders’ Agreementso Intellectual property